Dancers learn best in an environment free from distractions. Parents of young dancers are allowed in the classroom the very first day of classes only. Thereafter, parents only will be allowed in class during specific observation times set up by the teacher. Exceptions, with the approval of the teacher, are made for preschoolers who need additional time to feel comfortable and secure. There ARE view windows available at the Sahuarita Arts Center and Rancho Sahuarita Clubhouse, and parents may be able to observe their students from outside of the room. We do ask, however, that you please avoid bringing siblings/small children to the waiting/viewing areas whenever possible. The waiting/viewing area gets very crowded and noisy, and it becomes very distracting to the dancers. If you must bring siblings/small children to the waiting/viewing areas, please monitor them closely and ensure they are not running around or making excessive noise! Also, children are not permitted in classrooms without instructors.